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Filter Options

The WidgetsBox brings a powerful filter function that is modeled after the core Joomla modules. In this article we will take a look at the individual options of this filter. With the filter you define which content the module should dynamically load in the corresponding widget.

You can find the filter options in the module settings in the tab "Filter Options".

WidgetsBox filter options

Now let's look at the individual options in detail:

 Count Limits the number of items to be loaded. If there are 100 articles in the category and the value 0 is entered here, all articles will be loaded. If the value 10 is entered, only 10 articles are loaded.
 Featured Articles

Show featured articles too, filter them out or show only featured articles

 Filter Type Filter Type for Categories (next field) - Select wether the selected categories should be included or exluded in the filter.
 Categories Multiselect of all article categories of your page. Select the categories to be included or not in the search for the articles you want to display (based on the filter type definition above).
 Subcatecories Define if subcategories should also be used, if yes you can define with the additional option how deep in subcategories you want to search for items matching the filter.
 Tags Select by which tags your articles should be filtered. If you select a tag here, only articles that have the corresponding tag will be loaded.
 Author Filtering Type Filter Type for Authors (next field) - Select wether the selected authors should be included or exluded in the filter.
 Author Select here the author(s) you want to filter for
Author Alias Filtering Type Filter Type for Author Alias (next field) - Select wether the selected author alias should be included or exluded in the filter.
 Author Alias Select here the author(s) alias you want to filter for
 Article ID's to exclude Comma-separated list of all items that must not be loaded under any circumstances, even if the filter settings would allow it.
 Date Filtering The date filter is a powerful tool, you can define here that only articles of a certain time span or x-days back (Relative) should be displayed. So if you set the date filter to Relative two additional fields appear, in the first you choose which date should be checked, the creation date, the publish-date or the modified-date. In the second field you choose the days. So if we choose creation date and 10 days, the WidgetsBox will only load articles created in the last 10 days and the whole relative, that means tomorrow the articles created 11 days ago will not be displayed and so on.