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UIkit Cheatsheet


Easily create nice looking tables, which come in different styles.
CSS ClassnameDescription
uk-table To apply the table component, add the .uk-table class to a table element.
uk-table-divider Add the .uk-table-divider class to display a divider between table rows.

Add zebra-striping to a table by adding the .uk-table-striped class.

uk-table-hover Add the .uk-table-hover class to display a hover state on table rows.

Add the .uk-table-small or .uk-table-large class to a table to make it smaller or larger.
uk-table-justify To remove the outer padding of the first and last column so that they are flush with the table, add the .uk-table-justify class.
uk-table-middle To vertically center table content, just add the .uk-table-middle class. You can also apply the class to tr or td elements for a more specific selection.
uk-table-responsive If you want table columns to stack on small screens, add the .uk-table-responsive class.
uk-table-shrink Add this class to a <th> or <td> element to reduce the column width to fit its content.
uk-table-expand Add this class to a <th> or <td> element to expand the column width to fill the remaining space and apply a min-width.
uk-width-* Add one of these classes from the Width component to a <th> or <td> element to modify the column width.


Add the .uk-container uk-padding-remove-horizontal class to a block element to give it a max-width and wrap the main content of your website. The element will be centered and have padding on the sides, that adapts automatically for large screens.

uk-container uk-padding-remove-horizontal-xsmall Add this class for a xsmall container.
uk-container uk-padding-remove-horizontal-small Add this class for a small container.
uk-container uk-padding-remove-horizontal-large Add this class for a large container.
uk-container uk-padding-remove-horizontal-xlarge Add this class for a xlarge container.
uk-container uk-padding-remove-horizontal-expand Add this class, if you do not want to limit the container width but still want the dynamic horizontal padding.


Add one of the following classes to modify the size and style of headings. Usually, these classes would be used on heading elements but they work also with any other element like a div element. Note that these classes extend the heading classes from the Base component upward, and the smallest modifier picks up the size after h1 element.

uk-heading-small Add this class to apply a small-sized heading.
uk-heading-medium Add this class to apply a medium-sized heading.
uk-heading-large Add this class to apply a large-sized heading.
uk-heading-xlarge Add this class to apply a xlarge-sized heading.
uk-heading-2xlarge Add this class to apply a 2xlarge-sized heading.

To apply a divider to a heading, add the uk-heading-divider class. You can combine it with any size modifier.


To apply a bullet to a heading, add the uk-heading-bullet class. You can combine it with any size modifier, and it works well with text alignment.


Combine this component with the Heading component to style your content.

uk-text-lead Add this class to highlight text, for example in article subtitles.
uk-text-large Add this class to increase the font size.
uk-text-small Add this class to decrease the font size.
uk-text-meta Add this class to a paragraph which contains meta data about an article or similar.
uk-text-light Add this class to apply a font weight of 300.
uk-text-normal Add this class to apply a font weight of 400.
uk-text-bold Add this class to apply a font weight of 700.
uk-text-lighter Add this class to apply a lighter font weight.
uk-text-bolder Add this class to apply a bolder font weight.
uk-text-capitalize Add this class to transform your text to capitalize.
uk-text-uppercase Add this class to transform your text to uppercase.
uk-text-lowercase Add this class to transform your text to lowercase.
uk-text-muted Add this class to mute text.
uk-text-emphasis Add this class to emphasize text.
uk-text-primary Add this class to emphasize text with the primary color.
uk-text-secondary Add this class to emphasize text with the secondary color.
uk-text-success Add this class to indicate success.
uk-text-warning Add this class to indicate a warning.
uk-text-danger Add this class to indicate danger.
uk-text-left Aligns text to the left.
uk-text-right Aligns text to the right.
uk-text-center Centers text horizontally.
uk-text-justify Justifies text.
UIkit provides a number of responsive alignment classes. Basically, they work just like the usual alignment classes, except that they have suffixes that represent the breakpoint from which they come to effect.
Affects device widths of 640px and larger.
Affects device widths of 960px and larger.
Affects device widths of 1200px and larger.
Affects device widths of 1600px and larger.
Add one of these classes to vertically align text to an object.
uk-text-top Aligns text to the top.
uk-text-middle Centers text vertically.
uk-text-bottom Aligns text to the bottom.
uk-text-baseline Aligns text to the baseline.


UIkit's Width component is often used in combination with grids to split content into responsive columns. You can apply fractions, automatic width or expand units to fill the remaining space and combine these modes.
uk-width-1-1 Fills 100% of the available width.
uk-width-1-2 The element takes up halves of its parent container.
uk-width-1-3 to uk-width-2-3 The element takes up thirds of its parent container.
uk-width-1-4 to uk-width-3-4 The element takes up fourths of its parent container.
uk-width-1-5 to uk-width-4-5 The element takes up fifths of its parent container.
uk-width-1-6 to uk-width-5-6 The element takes up sixths of its parent container.
The Width component provides additional modifiers to give you more flexibility in the distribution of items.
uk-width-auto The item expands only to the width of its own content.
uk-width-expand The item expands to fill up the remaining space of the grid container.
In addition to the calculated width classes, you can also add one of the following classes, which apply fixed widths.
uk-width-small Applies a fixed width of 150px.
uk-width-medium Applies a fixed width of 300px.
uk-width-large Applies a fixed width of 450px.
uk-width-xlarge Applies a fixed width of 600px.
uk-width-2xlarge Applies a fixed width of 750px.

Responsive width

UIkit provides a number of responsive widths classes. Basically they work just like the usual width classes, except that they have suffixes that represent the breakpoint from which they come to effect. These classes can be combined with the Visibility component. This is great to adjust your layout and content for different device sizes.

Affects all device widths, grid columns stay side by side.
Affects device widths of 640px and larger. Grid columns will stack on smaller sizes.
Affects device widths of 960px and larger. Grid columns will stack on smaller sizes.
Affects device widths of 1200px and larger. Grid columns will stack on smaller sizes.
Affects device widths of 1600px and larger. Grid columns will stack on smaller sizes.


UIkit's Height component offers three options to set heights: using simple fixed height utility classes, depending on the viewport or by matching the heights of different elements.
uk-height-1-1 This class applies a height of 100%. This only works if the parent element has a set height.
These classes apply a height or max-height of 150px.
These classes apply a height or max-height of 300px.
These classes apply a height or max-height of 450px.