Main Features
Exposer can be used on Joomla 5.x / 4.x / 3.9 (onwards)
Your Joomla! Articles & Contacts
Exposer displays your Joomla! Categories & Articles filtered by categories and / or tags
Dynamic Sources, Content & Conditions
Exposer integrates dynamic content loading based on ID or custom field value. Additionaly a wide range of preset conditions are available for your filter.
Tags! Tags everywhere
As one of the few solutions wolrdwide, Exposer offers full Joomla! Tag support. That means you can filter your articles by tags.
Customfield Support
Exposer takes your articles to the next level including customfield support. Use your customfields everywhere in Exposer even as dynamic filter.
Modal Solution included
Exposer contains a UIkit 3 modal solution out of the box.
Four layout options
Exposer offers you four layout types: Grid, List Simple List* and Slideshow.
Animate them all!
You like animation? So do we! All transitions are smooth and improve user experience. Thanks to UIkit 3 support, Exposer includes more then 15 different animation types.
Mobile First
Thanks to UIkit 3, Exposer is fully mobile friendly including an additional Simple Mobile Mode for Grid Views.
Sort by Customfield Value
Exposer can sort your Articles based on Customfield values.
Dynamic Filter based on Custom Fields
Exposer can filter your articles based on a Key / Value Constraint the Root article holds a Value in Customfield A and Exposer comparres it with Custom Field B of your articles.
Dynamic Filter based on Article Category
Exposer can filter your articles and shows only articles that has the same category as the currently displayed.
Want a test drive?
Try out Exposer directly including Backend Demo and explore the possibilities!
Filter your Content
Show Joomla! articles or contacts from different categories that have the same tag
Show Joomla! articles or contacts from one or more categories
Show Joomla! articles or contacts that only targeting the defined tags (one or multiple)
Filter by Creators1
Filter by Featured Articles2
NEW Filter by Customfield values
NEW Filter by Dynamic Conditions
2: Filter Joomla Articles by Featured items.
You can choose to display only featured items, hide featured items (show only non featured) or show (ignore featured status)
Sort your Content
Article Sorting (Manual Backend Sorting)
most recent
Creation Date (Article Params) -
most recent
Publish up Date (Article Params) -
Modification Date (Article Params)
Publish down Date (Article Params)
Article Title
most recent
Article ID -
NEW Customfield Value