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Joomla Language File Analyser & Translator

When translating your Joomla extension, didn't you constantly think "this has to be easier / faster"? Have you also caught yourself making careless mistakes after you've spent several minutes or even hours internationalizing your Joomla extension?

Or even worse, after you finally finished internationalizing your Joomla extension you realize that a bug must have crept in somewhere?

On average you need about 23 seconds to translate a language string (copy >> paste in translator >> translate >> copy >> paste in new file) if you work manually with DeepL or Google Translator, for a language file with 500 lines this means up to 3 hours per language! Joomet can do this within a few minutes and you can even do other things in the meantime.


Joomet is available as a desktop application for Windows, MacOS & Linux for free:


Joomet includes a powerful file analyser that checks your language file for errors and ensures that it complies with the Joomla! language file specifications.

Clear list of all problems found in the language file

More details about the problem found


The Joomet FileAnalyser checks for these rules:

  • Filename Format

    The file name of a Joomla! language file should correspond to a given scheme, the FileAnalyser checks if this is the case.

  • All Uppercase

    Key values must always be capitalised

  • Valid Characters

    Key values may only contain the characters A-Z 0-9 or _ (underscore), Spaces are not allowed

  • Duplicated Keys

    Key values should only be used once, otherwise previous values will be overwritten

  • Encapsulation

    Values must be encapsulated in double quotes otherwise the value is invalid or the language file is ignored

  • No backslash on last position

    The last character in the value must not be a backslash, otherwise the language file could not be read correctly

  • Double quotes in Value

    Double quotes must be escaped correctly

  • Balanced HTML Tags

    HTML tags must be closed correctly


Joomet has an integrated interface to DeepL API and allows you to translate your Joomla language files into all languages supported by DeepL.

Joomet also allows translation in formal form if supported by the DeepL API.

Currently supported languages (August 2022)

Source Languages (from)
  • Auto Detect

  • Bulgarian

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • German

  • Greek

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Estonian

  • Finnish

  • French

  • Hungarian

  • Indonesian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Lithuanian

  • Latvian

  • Dutch

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Slovak

  • Slovenian

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

  • Chinese

Target Languages (to)
  • Bulgarian

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • German

  • Greek

  • English (British)

  • English (American)

  • Spanish

  • Estonian

  • Finnish

  • French

  • Hungarian

  • Indonesian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Lithuanian

  • Latvian

  • Dutch

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Portuguese (European)

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Slovak

  • Slovenian

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

  • Chinese (simplified)

Please Note: The list may vary and it is possible that you will find additional languages in the app or that languages may have been removed. Joomet loads the list of supported languages automatically or on request (in the settings) directly from the DeepL API.

Translator Features

  • Supports currently 27 Source Languages

  • Supports currently 28 Target Languages

  • Supports formality for supported languages

  • Supports DeepL Free & Pro API Keys


Joomet gives you more free time - Say thanks by sponsoring a coffee for my next debug session.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is Joomet?

    What is Joomet?

    Joomet is a desktop application for Windows and MacOS that helps developers to internationalize their extensions (plugins, modules, components, templates) for Joomla. Joomet reduces the time you need to internationalize your extensions. More time for family, friends or to start the next exciting project.

  • What do I need to use Joomet?

    What do I need to use Joomet?

    The FileAnalyser works "out of the box" for the translation of your Joomla extension Joomet uses the DeepL API (Free or Pro) - for the use of the DeepL API an API key is needed, which you will find after a registration at DeepL in your account overview.

    To register at DeepL API you need a valid credit card (even for the free version) - this is required by DeepL to authenticate you and to prevent you from creating multiple free accounts.

  • How much does Joomet cost?

    How much does Joomet cost?

    The Joomet application was developed for the Joomla! developer community and is absolutely free. However, if Joomet is used with a DeepL Pro subscription, costs may be incurred.

  • How can I support the project?

    How can I support the project?

    The app itself is free, but it took time to develop. You can support the project by advertising it or buying me a coffee, using the donation links in the app or on this page.

  • Can I use Joomet with a DeepL Pro API key?

    Can I use Joomet with a DeepL Pro API key?

    Yes, Joomet supports the free DeepL API key as well as DeepL Pro API key.

  • Does Joomet correct the errors in FileAnalyser itself?

    Does Joomet correct the errors in FileAnalyser itself?

    No, for security reasons we leave it to you to revise the errors in the file, but Joomet will show you exactly what, where may be incorrectly formatted.

  • Single words in double quotes are not translated

    Single words in double quotes are not translated

    This is known, because these words with double quotes are (correctly) escaped by a backslash, DeepL does not perform a translation here.

  • The translation has generated errors in the new language file

    The translation has generated errors in the new language file

    Unfortunately this can happen, it is known that DeepL has problems with your language file looking something like this:

    LANG_KEY="My first \"nice\" sentence"

    DeepL tries to translate here but fails because the inverted commas are, correctly, escaped. Joomet already has some checks that are applied after translation, but such errors are still possible as we have no control over how DeepL interprets your text and need to be looked at after translation.

  • Joomla! does not use the generated language files, what can I do?

    Joomla! does not use the generated language files, what can I do?

    The app currently helps you with two things, checking your language files and translating them. Make sure that the translated language files are correctly linked in your XML & reinstall the extension if necessary. Furthermore, errors in the translation can lead to the translated file not being read correctly. So check translated files again with Joomet or view them manually before using them in your extension.