OrielPro Dynamic Gallery Changelog
Find out here what has changed, the OrielPro changelog is updated after each release and shows you what is new or what we have worked on.
Version 1.7.x
September 2023 - April 2024
- Added limitation of the number of images per album
- Added backend option to generate thumbnails for all images for this module
- Updated Language Files
- Joomla 4 / 5 optimizations
- Added option for sorting subfolders aka filters in album view differently then the albums
- Improved German translation
- Softremove of Marathon Manager 1.x integration
- Improved error handling when the root directory is not readable
- New Cache folder structure for Thumbnails (to prevent issues with similar folder / name structures in Dynamic Mode)
- Fixed a Bug where the Thumbnails were not created when there was an empty thumbnail file (aborted thumbnail creation)
Version 1.6.x
March 2023 - September 2023
- Added Product Gallery Layout
- Updated Dependency Injection
- Bugfixes
- Fixed a Joomla 3 compatibility issue
- Fixed a Bug about the album description checking
Version 1.5.x
October 2021 - March 2023
- Added: Skip / ignore folders option (new field)
- Added: Ignore Translation Strings (new field)
- Added: Advanced Custom Rules (Regular Expression Support)
- Added: Album Deeplink support for Album Grid/Slider & Filter
(jump to Album via #key in URL - Key = foldername lowercase without specialchars) - Changed: Some Language Strings got updated
- Changed: Tweaked some default values for a better "default-experience" after fresh install
- Changed: Code Improvements
- Fixed: Problem with Cache creation PopUp
- Fixed: Thumbnail Preload Placeholders
- Fixed: Missing compatibility information added (had lead to a wrong warning in Joomla 4 Pre Update Checker)
- Fixed: Image URL bug on Windows systems
- Fixed: Thumbnail URL bug on Windows systems
- Fixed: Sort albums by foldername now works as expected (ASC / DESC)
- Fixed: Typo in Album header template that could lead into an error
- Fixed: Added missing language files
Version 1.4.x
September 2021 - October 2021
- Added: Slider Layout for Albums Overview
- Added: nx-designs Framework Integration
- Changed: Album Grid view hover shadow now on parent element not link
- Changed: Multiple language strings got updated
- Improved: Debug Features & Response to Thumbnail creation process
- Fixed: Delete Cache from Backend
Version 1.3.2
December 2020
- Fixed: Joomla! 4.x compatibility
- Added: Language override integration for album titles, filters & image caption
- Added: Shuffle images (shuffled across all subfolders in filter mode "All" overview & shuffled inside albums / groups)
Version 1.3.1
December 2020
- Fixed: Cover Hover layout optimised for rounded / circle item shapes (again...)
Version 1.3.0
December 2020
- Fixed: Cover Hover layout optimised for rounded / circle item shapes
- Added: Sort albums by creation date
- Added: Option to ignore copies in filtered view (all) by filename
- Added: Option to disable the "all" filter for subfolders in album view - This can have an affect to files inside the subfolder, they are not longer visible in OrielPro when this option is enabled
Version 1.2.1
November 2020
- Added: Option to either select compressed / uncompressed image as album cover
- Fixed: Wrong language string used in translation for Dynamic source
Version 1.2.0
November 2020
- Added: Dynamic Source Integration for some of our Components
- Added: Option to Define a Link title that will be rendered as tooltip above the external link
- Added: UIkit CheatSheet Tab (List of usefull classnames)
- Added: Configurable grid animation for albums overview
- Changed: Prioritization of cover fallback image (1.cover.* 2.first image of folder 3.first image of first subfolder)
- Changed: Cover Images gets now resized too when Thumbnails are enabled
- Changed: Upgraded to default UIkit Version 3.5.9
- Changed: AutoHeight Calculations improved (no JS anymore)
- Changed: JQuery integration (you can now include Joomla!'s jQuery Version)
- Changed: Security Improvements
- Changed: German translation improved
- Changed: OrielPro Gallery object structure
- Removed: Fixed Height for Thumbnails
- Others: Thumbnail Generation Refactored
- Others: Refactoring & Code Optimizations
Version 1.1.1
October 2020
- Bugfix: index.html overwrites information from description.html or description.txt
Version 1.1.0
September 2020
- Added: Options to handle anchor links on images
- Added: Define target window for external links
- Added: UiKit 3 - scroll integration when using anchor links
- Added: German translation
Version 1.0.7
April 2020
- Added: Option to disable Image lightbox link on touch devices if overlay is used
- Bugfix: External Link not working in Lightbox Gallery Mode
- Bugfix: Masonry Grid
- Bugfix: AutoHeight script not always loaded
Version 1.0.6
April 2020
- Intial Release